Les Mis Trailer

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Cold hands..

 - warm heart, right?
It has been a sunny and rainy day here, with a temperature lower than the past few days, so my hands are looking rather white and wrinkly as I sit here and type! Roll on summer when they will be plump and brown again!
I would rather be staying home this evening but "t'committee" is going to the choir practice ( anyone remember the Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club?...just a thought) of the other choir we might be going to merger with. Some of their committee came to ours last week, so we are returning the favour and going to see what they sing, do, conductor etc before any further 'talks' take place. I have mixed feelings about whether this is the right way to go or not but I suspect that if we want to survive, and they do too, both parties might have to be willing to make the necessary compromises.

You know how one thing leads to another? I am enjoying that right now. That reading about something or someone in one place can take me to a completely different but great place and person, and how that is opening up my mind to new ideas and ways of being. So many interesting blogs and books to read and discover, some with the most delightful headers and designs that I just want to gaze upon them and wonder why I can't create that sort of magic? If you click on the Brene Brown badges you will see what I mean.
As spring approaches I find I am more alive and buzzing with ideas and schemes and that makes me happy. Being authentic to myself makes me a planner - perhaps you wish I wasn't, but it is who I am. I am choosing to let it be, to daydream away here while I can, and float a little whilst doing it. I know there are the harsh realities of daily living to be faced up to soon, but hey, Tim is making Tompouses at school today!! (millefeuille slices with cream and icing). Which is the happier prospect?! Am I just like Scarlett or do I have some grumpy old woman gene in me somewhere - I don't know. I do know that today is a good day in my world, and even though we are not sharing it the way we would really want to, we have still connected and that makes me glad.
Sue xx

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