Les Mis Trailer

Thursday 4 February 2010


Whilst taking this shot Finka was trying to get hold of my camera cord and Genghis is just watching - rather bemused by her I think! Tim was laying on the settee with her favourite toy, so Finka was racing backwards and forwards over him the whole time!!! Eventually she was exhausted and went to bed! She can move like lightening!!! She has an eye infection and a cold at present so is going back to the vets this afternoon, probably for some anti-biotics as she is still sneezing. It doesn't seem to have dulled her playfulness or her appetite so that is good. She is loving her new bed too - and snuggles under her masses of blankets until you cannot see her any more. I am sure she would have been the Princess and the Pea type if she was anyone from a fairytale!!!
Sue xx

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