Les Mis Trailer

Wednesday 14 November 2007

when all the world....

Isn't there a poem with this as title? Or something like it!!! The other day I was full of self-doubt and anxiety and worry about my scraps, and now I feel uplifted and wonderful!!! I got very brave yesterday and actually walked into a hobby shop in Enkhuizen and told them I give workshops etc and maybe there was a possibility of doing some for them or together!!! It might never lead to anything, but I have decided that I need to promote myself more and see what happens, in return for a bit more assertiveness on my part!! And I have also been asked to give a workshop for a group of people next year which is fantastic and I am delighted to do that for them. Can't say more at this stage but it is just so great to have been asked because someone loves my work...can't get a better compliment really. I have to photograph the book for Ben now, for the Scrapfever site and here, so back soon!!! I am busy making more cards for the workshop on the 28th that is now fully booked so also nice. These ladies are 'regulars' so I like to make it a special occasion for them - they are so sweet!! And today I am going to take Amienka to Simpel Scrappen in Den Helder as she has never really seen a proper scrapbook store and it will amaze her!! We were line dancing last night, but my coughing and wheezing is still a problem and so I couldn't do much, so we left early and decided to shop instead!!!!! I mustn't buy anything as I am going to the SAG this Saturday with Loes and I have to get the crayons for the stamps this week as well....................but where oh where can I buy DOEZELAARS??????!!!!!!!!!!

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