Les Mis Trailer

Sunday 25 November 2007

SAG report

I have to say that once again I was rather disappointed with the SAG event. I just can't seem to enjoy them mainly because of poor organisation I think. Maybe it is not an issue for others but I like to see that everything is ready well in advance of a class and not stand at the door while extra tables etc are being carried in!!! It wastes time and gives a poor impression. As I give workshops myself, I know how hard it is to be absolutely sure one has got everything nailed, but I spend a lot of time ensuring that I have got it all down to a T before the day people arrive. I was also disappointed with the standard of one of the classes I followed. The teacher was rather stressed I thought and not prepared for so many people and had not timed her projects appropriately. We ended up taking pictures and making some of the project back at home! I suppose I expect MORE from the organisers and want better from them as it is a heck of a lot of money to attend SAG. My friend and I won't be going again, that is for sure, which is not a great recommendation I know, and I apologise if you don't agree with us, but I cannot tell a lie!

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