Les Mis Trailer

Friday 23 July 2010

I will survive!

Phew, working every day and then having a home to unravel is some kind of extreme sport let me tell you!!!
First of all, anyone wanting to visit us needs to  bring doggy bags or food parcels or whatever emergency food aid is called in these situations! My budget just got blown today when I went to the Karwei..........even with the extra discount I took advantage of sweetheart!! Wow, DIY is certainly not the cheapest hobby to take up............and tools!!! Well, I hope I need to use them many times over if  I am going to get my money's worth. Anyway, Tim and I now have the necessary items to start this weekend; just wish we had the know-how to go with it! If the whole of the Streek suddenly hits an electricity failure then we did it wrong!!
Secondly, there is the physical energy required to just go between places - this is supposed to tie in neatly with the mental energy required to actually function appropriately whilst there - and the weirdness of how that feels when it sort of mis-syncs. Sometimes I can almost see myself floating up on that ceiling wondering what the heck I am supposed to be doing!
Thirdly there is the sadness of being aware that our darling cats are feeling rather neglected by us right now, as we are hardly home and they are noticing this decrease in adoration and attention. I know it is only temporary but they are rather spoiled with me having been home so often that working 5 days a week and then getting home later than usual is a shock to their delicate systems. However, we do manage a cuddle up on the settee during the evening so it is not all bad lads and lasses!
And now I need to get some sleep as it will be a long weekend. Hopefully progress will be made and there will be something to show when we are through.
Sue xx

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