Les Mis Trailer

Friday 9 April 2010

End of the week!

This week has passed quickly as I suppose it feels like it was a day shorter with it being Easter! Illogical thought processes are my speciality folks!!! So anyway, Tuesday to Friday has come and almost gone, and I have been busy the whole time!
So what have I done this week? Visited my friend who had her birthday on Tuesday; spent yesterday with Loes in town shopping and chatting and chatting.......which was lovely to do for a change, especially as it was sunny in the afternoon! Then it was time for choir which went well, only there were not too many of us present this week and our accompanist was also missing.
I also went to Tim's exam meal on Wednesday evening which was great! All the kids did well, and I am sure he got a pass for his efforts. The rest follow in a weeks time, and then in May so we are progressing nicely at the moment. The sun has been shining so sitting in the garden was a joy, we even hit 18C one afternoon!! And I could hang the washing out for the first time this year which is always nice to be able to do. Oh, and I got divorced too...........................the less said about that the better I guess, as life is sometimes utterly unbearable, but I have to be positive and think about the future and how we are going to get there. The rest is neither here nor there after all.
Sue xx

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