Les Mis Trailer

Saturday 7 April 2012

its raining....must be a bank holiday!!!

I set my alarm at one a.m this morning to ensure Tim woke up on time; he did!
I heard my phone ring at four a.m this morning so I woke up to answer it.
I fell back asleep until the heavy rain falling woke me up again at six a.m.
I went back to sleep - the best of the whole night, after that, until I finally knew it was time to get up and feed the cats around eight a.m!!! So, this is bleary-eyed me ( not quite 'black-eyes peas' but does rhyme)!!
sitting here tapping out my state of alertness on this wet Easter Saturday, and wishing you all

First thing I did on the old apple was to search for recipes for Sticky Chicken Thighs! I was dreaming about them as I have got some in the freezer and in a weeks time Tim will celebrate his birthday and I thought they might go down well with his guests. So Nigel and Jamie have both got suitable offerings to tempt me into the kitchen to cook them later in the week!
Tim came home with the first Easter marzipan and fruit stollen that I have actually tasted and loved! It was a surprising change from the ones I have tried before and I especially loved the hidden icing surprise under all those fantastic nuts!! So anyone wanting one ought to run along to BOTMAN Bakery and buy them before they all run out!! Cheers, Nico - delicious!
I was trying to decide what to bake for Easter having failed miserably before with my Chelsea Buns, but since we have now got this at home, it feels unnecessary to go to such lengths to bake more carbohydrates we are not supposed to be eating! I did find the Scallops in Deen that I wanted for starters tomorrow; a Rick Stein recipe sounded too nice to ignore, but I am undecided between a Pavlova or a warm pudding like Tim's favourite - Queen of Puddings . . .jury still out on that one but we are going to have the fabulous Chicken Gougere a la Suzanne once again as it is a super main and nice and easy to prepare. Hope Gloria will enjoy it as much as we do!!

Still suffering from a painful arm which is a bother as I have such a lot to catch up on really, but anyway, first things first - get dressed!!!
Sue xx

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