Les Mis Trailer

Sunday 27 June 2010

What drama!!!

Oh dearie me, what a drama the England/ Germany game turned out to be?!! Firstly, I admit we did not deserve to win as we were outclassed by the opposition, but the unfairness of Lampards disallowed goal still stands. That was such a poor decision on behalf of the referees.....and such bad luck for us!! But there it is, we are going home and there is nothing more to be done about it. Tomorrow Holland play so we will just have to get behind them and hope they do better.
It has been so hot this weekend hasn't it? Makes one grumpy and tired and in need of changes of clothes throughout the day!! Even the cats were too warm today. Genghis stayed out all night in the cool and has slept all day instead, which he has every right to do at his age! Finka has been sitting in the garden under the umbrella instead of actively chasing everything that moves, and is now also asleep for the night!
I went for a walk this afternoon before going to Ann's to watch the game and have dinner with them, and that gave me time to reflect on several things that are on my mind at the moment. I am not sure whether it helped or hindered however!!! It did make me come to one decision which I have just put into action, and that feels good if it all comes off, and the rest I will just have to wait and see. This inert state is no good for me!!
Tim went to the Ijsselmeer this afternoon and came home with lovely cherry red back and calves and a sore chest!!! He is not used to being outside in this extremely warm weather and so lay on his back and got burnt. I have still got some really great lotion for him which helps ease the heat so he is now plastered in that for the night!! I am tired and hoping beyond all hope for a good nights sleep. I really need it as I think sleep deprivation is setting in!!!!
Sue xx

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