Les Mis Trailer

Sunday 24 August 2008

well, I think it is exciting!!!

So, about Becci. No, Ineke she is not getting married!! She has no plans to do that for years....so she says, too many other things she and Roy want to do first etc. What she is doing is moving into her first 'home' with her friend Anna!!! As of 30 August, they will be sharing a small terraced house together in Stafford. It is unfurnished but looks nice and clean etc and very suitable for the two of them. Becci absolutely loves it already and has been to Ikea with Roy dreaming of what she wants to buy for it etc. and how she wants it to look... as it has no furniture etc she and Anna are going to go around the second-hand shops for chairs etc and they have already got their bedroom stuff from their own homes to bring over etc. Becci wants us to go in the beginning of October when, as she says " I will have no money and no food and I'll need you to help"!! She'd like us to take her bike over with ' new pretty saddlebags please" and various other items including Peters tool kit and DIY skills. It will be so strange visiting my baby in her first home.............I am so proud of her. She is also starting to do more work with her probation cases, teaching basic literacy and numeracy to them which she adores so her career is also going in a direction she wants to take now. At the moment she and Roy are 'recovering' from their weekend at the Leeds Music Festival. We saw the mud and rain on TV so it was not a pretty sight, but she said it was ok. They are back at Roys this evening and then back to Stafford tomorrow so she can start packing!!!! I have made her a small picture in a scrapped frame and have been buying small things she will like to have there - not being able to be with her all the time this makes me feel a bit better about living so far away. Peter keeps finding little packages and saying ' what is this?' and I say ' oh, something for Becci'!!!! Luckily I know her taste so I can get them for her, and she can then do what she wants with them re. where they go etc. When we go over I suspect we will be going to Ikea with her, and other shopping expeditions - I can't wait!!! So this was the exciting news folks, my baby is growing up!!!

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