Les Mis Trailer

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

respect, your Majesty!

If I am feeling a little tired this morning, I really cannot complain after watching the first in a 5 part reality series about the work of our Monarchy. This first part followed the Queen as she prepared for a state visit to America. I take my hat off to this tiny lady who has the stamina of an amazon!!!! Her schedule and everything that goes into making such a trip is incredible. She was photographed and given speeches to learn, hopped on and off trains and in and out of car cavalcades, went from meal to meal, high tea to state dinner, outfit to outfit and always a little smile on her face. AMAZING!!! And all that at 80 plus!!!!! I have always been a supporter of the Royal Family and the traditions of England. They might seem old-fashioned and quaint and out of step with the modern world but they are the very things which make my home special. If they all went, what would we have left? The charm of England lies in her ability to stay her course of individualism and quirkiness added to her many years of history and fable. The fact that England is also a beautiful country with such a wide variety of flora and fauna and folklore - where else can you hear about Arthurian legend???!!! - scones and victoria sandwiches.......Wimbledon and Lords........crumpets for tea!!!! It made me feel so proud of my heritage and a little homesick of course, but there isn't anyone who could deny what Queen Elizabeth has done for England and Great Britain and the Commonwealth during her long reign: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.

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