Les Mis Trailer

Friday, 28 October 2011

Losing it!!

Kilos, that is! The diet has started well. Since Monday I am 2 kilos less. I will take that!! It's not been perfect, but I have followed the rules almost to the letter with the odd biscuit at work snuck in on occasion, but today I am going to the super to stock up on good diet foods for the coming weekend/week. I know it off by heart really, but I still have to cook for Tim so there are other meals to be considered.

First this morning I am taking the cats to the V.E.T.S ( in case they are reading this!!) Genghis comes along for the ride as he doesn't need anything, but it is annual jab time for Miss Finka so he has to come  to preserve the peace and harmony of the household upon our return. I have had their basket in the hall for a few days letting them see it, and dwell on what is to come; lovely red blanket in it too, and a hottie about to go in....well, they deserve some mollycoddling!! The Dreamies will be in my handbag for their treat afterwards - here they are called something else but re-stocking is no longer a problem. Phew!

It is a soft day here - 12C already before the sun rises, so I am happy about that. The month is ending on a quiet note. I am reading more and more UK blogs and really love seeing the countryside as it moves into its sleepy quarter. I am an autumn/winter lover so have no SAD syndrome issues or worries about dark evenings (so long as I don't have to drive). My Debbie Bliss arrived yesterday and I had a mini tutorial at work yesterday so I can now make a crochet chain - yey!!! The colours are Beautiful!! Just as I hoped, thanks! Will let you see them once I get cracking. But now I need to write the list, warm up the carrier and coerce the cats towards it with a dreamie trail . . . .
Sue xx

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